The location of your office is, naturally, top notch. You are in the most international place in Europe with direct connections all over the world. Large international companies have their home base or offices here. And of course, all the major cities in the Netherlands and Europe are easily accessible from Schiphol by train or car. If you choose WTC Schiphol Airport, you choose international allure. A place where people really want to work and where you can really receive your business relations at a high level.
European airports.
destinations within easy reach.
minute from the A4, A5 and A9 motorways.
just a stone's throw away from Schiphol Central Station
Never a dull moment, at least for those who want that. Our offices are an oasis of calm. In the communal areas, things are already starting to buzz, and in and around the public areas, you get the feeling that you’re stepping into a modern metropolis. If that isn’t enough, you can immerse yourself in Schiphol Plaza; a succession of shops, eateries, bars and convenient services for an international audience.
If you add up all the facilities of the WTC, Stationsplein and Schiphol Plaza that are available within walking distance, you get an impressive and complete package of services. There is something for everyone. From busy, trendy restaurants to modest lunchrooms where you can enjoy a salad and a good table conversation in peace. From an energetic games area to the serenity of our meditation room.